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Модератор форума: fost84, coupe_de_grace  
beautygaruДата: Сб, 06 Июня 2009, 16:19 | Сообщение # 1
Группа: Clubbers
Сообщений: 1
Награды: 0
Статус: Оффлайн
Hello! My name is Nina.
I'm very sorry for disturbing you. I'd never join your discussion with my silly question, if it was not so serious for me. But you have really nice community here, good and friendly forum, and I'll really be thankful for any your advices.
The problem is what my boyfriend, Mike, ignores me. We live together for couple years and planning to marry. Now he works so hard as a lead manager, company is grown, and last monthes he comes home from his office late evening, kisses me once and very fast, and then goes to his notebook, papers, documents and seats with it until early morning. But I'm only 29, I'm not old yet, people tell me i am attractive, and surely I need some attenion from my husband. I even never dreams about expensive restaurants, luxury life and holidays at tropic islands and all around the world, I just need regular private relationship with him. When I start to kiss him, Mike only asks me not to bother him and returns to his home work.
Please tell how do I need to act in such situation? I'm young pretty girl and I need his care! Am I doing something wrong? Anybody here had similar problems in past? Please, share your experience with me.

beauty, art, freedom
coupe_de_graceДата: Сб, 06 Июня 2009, 16:40 | Сообщение # 2
GOD of Dance
Группа: Модераторы
Сообщений: 5687
Награды: 37
Статус: Оффлайн
There is one and big problem...your boyfriend^s job take 1st place...and you are in the 2nd place. passion went out between you and your guy...you should do couple things:
1) make him jealousy everything and everyone to you
2) spend your time more with friends , then with him ,find new hobbi...and your guy will see that you are change and will think that your love and passion are went out and he start to do some thing to return that feelings...try this... biggrin

"если человек тебе сделал ЗЛО - ты дай ему конфетку, он тебе ЗЛО - ты ему конфетку. и так до тех пор, пока у этой твари не разовьётся сахарный диабет" (с)

"У быдла есть особенность: оно — всегда не ты. И это восхищает!"(с)

"Наших внуков ждет ужасное будущее: бабушки с татуировками на обвисших попах и дедушки, танцующие тектоник!"

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